Makalah drug related problem pdf

Sep 12, 2012 apoteker yang bergelut di ranah klinik dan komunitas pastinya dan sudah seharusnya akrab dengan istilah yang satu ini. Although drugs threaten many societies, their effects can also be combated successfully. Among these products, highly caffeinated energy drinks are the most heavily advertised and purchased, which has resulted in increased incidences of coconsumption of energy drinks with alcohol. Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat tuhan yang maha esa karena dengan rahmat, karunia, serta taufik dan hidayahnya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah tentang drps drug related problems.

Drug related problem, gjk, rs universitas hasanuddin. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara retrospektif dan prospektif melalui penelusuran terhadap kondisi pasien, catatan rekammedik, kartu instruksi obat kio dan catatan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien otitis media supuratif kronik. Actual and potential drug drug, drugfood, drug laboratory test, and drugdisease interactions. Telah dilakukan penelitian kajian drug related problems pada pasien otitis media supuratif kronik rawat inap di bangsal tht rsup dr. Drug related problems potensial kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi pada pasien disebabkan resiko yang akan terjadi bila farmasis tidak segera turun tangan. Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah farmakoterapi terapan. Lelah berpikir saya pun hanya bisa berbaring sambil mengtotakatik hp saya. Related problems in type 2 diabetic patients with hypertension in cimahi, west java, indonesia. Termination of effect, metabolism andor elimination what does kinetic or kinetics refer to. Drugrelated problems could be described as an iceberg. Drug therapy for treating osteoarthritis is nsaids, supplements and corticosteroids. Drug related problem drp atau masalah terkait obat adalah bagian dari asuhan kefarmasian pharmaceutical care yang menggambarkan suatu keadaan, dimana profesional kesehatan apoteker menilai adanya ketidaksesuaian pengobatan dalam mencapai terapi yang sesungguhnya hepler, 2003. Strand lm1, morley pc, cipolle rj, ramsey r, lamsam gd. Kebutuhan akan obat drug needed obat diindikasikan tetapi tidak diresepkan.

Klasifikasi drug related problem berdasarkan pcne v 6. Makalah farmasi klinik dan interpretasi data klinik drps drug related problems disusun oleh. According to chalmers philosophical arguments, the hard problem of consciousness lies in establishing and. Drug related problems drps merupakan salah satu penyebab utama dari medication error me. It works by changing the actions of chemicals in your brain. Tujuh penggolongan drp menurut cipolle adalah penggunaan obat yang tidak diperlukan, kebutuhan akan terapi obat tambahan, obat. Drug related problems drug therapy problems atau permasalahan terkait obat atau permasalah terkait terapi obat pada pasien.

Drugrelated problem drp is defined as an event or circumstance that involves a. Drug abuse results in crime, depleted resources, injuries, worsened livelihoods and the deprivation of childcare and healthcare to innocent citizens. Permasalahan terkait obat drug related problems drps beberapa kalangan kesehatan menyebutnya drug. Drug related problems drps adalah suatu kejadian atau situasi yang menyangkut terapi obat, yang mempengaruhi secara potensial atau aktual hasil akhir pasien. Drug related problems drp indonesian journal of pharmacy. Although the problem is unlikely to be entirely eliminated in the short term there are concrete steps to reduce the effects it is having on the current society. Drug related problems merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak diharapkan dan pengalaman pasien akibat atau diduga akibat terapi obat sehingga kenyataannyapotensial mengganggu keberhasilan penyembuhan yang dikehendaki cipolle et al, 1998.

Saat ini saya ingin menceritakan sedikit pengalaman saya yang berhubungan. Pcne classification scheme for drug related problems5. Pharmacovigilance is concerned with all such problems. Menurut penelitian tentang identifikasi drug related problems pada pasien rawat jalan di rsi klaten tahun 2010, menunjukkan bahwa dari 110 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi menunjukkan 7 kasus ketidaktepatan pemilihan obat 6,36%, 2 kasus dosis kurang 1,82%, tidak. Majority of the interventions related to drug therapy changes. Strand and her colleagues based on the previous work of r. In 1950, there were 205 million people aged 60 years and older and this number is expected to increase to nearly 2 billion in 2050. Pcne indonesia memahami drug related problems drug. Apoteker yang bergelut di ranah klinik dan komunitas pastinya dan sudah seharusnya akrab dengan istilah yang satu ini. Kajian drug related problem drps pada pasien otitis media. A drug related problem is an event or circumstance involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes with desired health outcomes pharmaceutical care network europe foundation pcne contoh drug related problem drp ada beberapa jenis permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan obat. Causes of drugrelated problems in the emergency room of a hospital in southern brazil.

Berikut ini adalah contoh artikel jurnal penelitian akuntasi keuangan yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber jurnal nasional, tentang drug related problem yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang drug related problem jurnal yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. Underneath the surface the main part of the iceberg we find drugrelated problems that might lead to disease and disaster. The retrospective study involved 208 t2dm inpatients and outpatients with dyslipidemia, and was conducted at a. This purpose of this study was to assess drug related problems drps and factors associated with its occurrence. Definition a drug therapy problem is any undesirable event experienced by a patient that involves, or is suspected to involve, drug therapy, and that interferes with achieving the desired goals of. Evaluasi drug related problems drps potensial pada. Menurut kodakimble 2005, drps diklasifikasikan, sebagai berikut. It is also used to control motor and speech tics in people with tourettes syndrome. Drug related problem drp dapat didefinisikan sebagai kejadian tidak di inginkan yang menimpa pasien yang berhubungan dengan terapi obat dan secara nyata maupun potensial berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pasien yang diinginkan. Knowledge, attitudes and practice of nurses regarding. Twentyfour pharmacists made 1019 clinical interventions in 448 handwritten reports. Oct 19, 2012 the problems relating to the use of medicines are manifold. Drugrelated problems in a sample of outpatients with chronic.

Permasalahan terkait obat drug related problemsdrps. Oct 31, 20 drug related problems drps adalah suatu kejadian atau situasi yang menyangkut terapi obat, yang mempengaruhi secara potensial atau aktual hasil akhir pasien. For instance drugtherapy problem is often used too, and was introduced by the group of cipolle, morley and strand. Makalah internet dan komputer tentang pdf pembimbing. Knowledge, attitudes and practice of nurses regarding adverse drug reaction reporting somayeh hanafi1, hassan torkamandi1, alireza hayatshahi2, kheirollah gholami 3, mohammadreza javadi 2 abstract background. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara retrospektif dan prospektif melalui penelusuran terhadap kondisi pasien, catatan rekammedik, kartu instruksi obat kio dan catatan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien otitis media supuratif. Karena hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan kajian drug related problems drps pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik. Identification of drugrelated problems of elderly patients. Drugrelated problems in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Nova riyani e0014047 restu putri utami e0014050 siti lailatul karimah e0014053 supatmi e0014056 tingkat iii. Drugrelated problems and their clinical interventions in a. Kajian drug relation problem drps kategori interaksi obat.

Drugrelated problems drps are the unwanted effects of drugs that potentially. Kajian drug related problem drps pada pasien otitis. Haloperidol may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Final essay drug abuse is becoming increasingly serious in many nations.

Sc, selaku dosen mata kuliah ilmu resep yang telah memberikan tugas ini. Unique behavioral and neurochemical effects induced by. Drug therapy problems are a consequence of a patients drug related needs that have gone unmet. The social effects of drugs on society are horrific. Drp aktual adalah drp yang sudah terjadi sehingga harus diatasi dan dipecahkan. Saya pun dengan keras berpikir bagaimana caranya agar makalah itu bisa sampai di tangan dosen saya, namun tidak satu pun ide muncul dari kepala saya.

The problem of consciousness is mostly regarded as identical to the mindbody problem. Drugrelated problems in hospitalised patients springerlink. Adverse drug reactions adr are ranked as some of the major causes of patient morbidity and mortality. Gender related development index1 incoming search terms. Memahami drug related problems drug therapy problems.

Identifikasi drug related problems drps pada pasien. Identifikasi drug related problems drps pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan komplikasi hipertensi di instalasi rawat inap rumah sakit umum langsa tahun 2011. Makalah drug related problems drps dan metode soap hipotiroid. Actual and potential drug toxicity and adverse effects.

They may differ in pharmacological, pathological, epidemiological and legal respects, and may have different consequences, for example, as regards scientific study, regulation or rational use. Affective disorders are a type of psychiatric disorder, or mood disorder, with a broad range of symptoms. Suatu kejadian dapat disebut drps bila memenuhi komponenkomponen. For severe cases of plantar and palmar hyperhidrosis, there has been some success with conservative measures such as higher strength. Terdiri dari skema klasifikasi, formulir pelaporan dan pelatihan atau validasi kasus. The increasing number of available drugs, drug users and more complex drug regimens caused more side effect and potential drug interaction and lead to another problem, it is drug related problems. Social effects of drugs on society united recovery project. Definisi drug related problems drps merupakan situasi tidak ingin dialami oleh pasien yang disebabkan oleh terapi obat sehingga dapat berpotensi menimbulkan masalah bagi keberhasilan penyembuhan yang dikehendaki. C brodie, 4 published respectively in 1975 and 1980 classified the dtps. Reporting adverse drug reactions pharmacovigilance. Memahami drug related problems drug therapy problems leave a comment apoteker yang bergelut di ranah klinik dan komunitas pastinya dan sudah seharusnya akrab dengan istilah yang satu ini. Klasifikasi ini merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan instrumen. The number of highly caffeinated products has increased dramatically in the past few years.

Drug related problems were defined as conditions on patients therapy management that caused, or potentially caused unsuccessful therapy. Hemolytic disease of the newborn is a problem because the baby can become significantly anemic, which causes further complications. Evaluasi drug related problems drps pada pasien diabetes. Evaluasi drug related problems drps potensial pada pasien. As much as 81,3% patient to leave hospital in good condition. Permasalahan terkait obat drug related problemsdrps beberapa. Therapeutic drug monitoring tdm juga dikenal dengan istilah drug therapy monitor yang artinya adalah pengawasan terhadap kadar atau tingkatan obat didalam darah absorbs, distribusi, metabolisme dalam rangka penyesuaian dosis obat agar penggunaan obat dapat efektif dan aman. To assess the frequency and types of drugrelated problems. A drugrelated problem is an event or circumstance involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes. Incidences of medication errors reported in studies vary widely. However, few studies have been performed on t2dm patients with dyslipidemia.

Full text epidemiology of preventable drugrelated problems. Menurut joseph wallas, proses pemecahan masalah secara kreatif melalui 4 proses, yaitu preparation, incubation, illumination, dan verification. Nov 30, 2016 the pharmacists identified drug related problems in the management of patients and made interventions to prevent these errors from reaching patients. Adverse drug reactions the ice above the water surface being the overt problems felt by the patients. Klasifikasi drug related problem drp pendahuluan selama konferensi pharmaceutical care network europe pada januari 1999, klasifikasi masalah terkait obat drp telah dibuat. Apr 16, 2012 masalahnya modem saya bermasalah dan tidak ada warnet yang dekat dengan daerah saya saat itu. Despite the growing number of adolescents and young adults reporting caffeinemixed. Pemecahan masalah merupakan proses kognitif dimana informasi digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yang dihalangi oleh penghambat. Tratamiento hiperhidrosis plantar tratamiento hiperhidrosis palmar. Oct 19, 2012 in order to get an overview of studies on drug related problems in hospitalised patients, with specific attention to the incidence of drug related problems and their costs, to the possibilities of prevention and to the effect of these interventions, we performed a literature search. Clinical and pharmacokinetic laboratory data pertinent to the drug regimen. In general, problems related to the use of approved drugs can be summarized with the term drug related problems.

Terminology the term drug related problem is not unique for a problem with pharmacotherapy. In 1996 the bmas board of science published reporting adverse drug reactions a policy document1, which discussed the different structures in place within the uk for reporting adrs. Drug related problems potensial dapat dikatakan sebagai problem terapi yang mungkin akan terjadi berkaitan dengan pengobatan yang sedang dijalani oleh pasien. Validation of a drugrelated problem classification system for the. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 22 kejadian drug related problem meliputi 14 kejadian kategori interaksi obat 63,63%, 5 kejadian kategori overdosis 22,72% dan 3 kejadian kategori dosis sub terapi,63%. Drug related problems drp resulting in patient with unnecessary drug therapy 10,71 % 3 patients, uncompatible drug choice 7,14% 2 patients, and patient with high risk drug interaction 50% 14 patients. Drug abuse includes the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other street drugs. Makalah drug related problems drps dan metode soap. Dec 17, 20 drug related problems drps commonly occur among type 2 diabetes mellitus t2dm patients. Medication therapy management in pharmacy practice. Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by abnormally increased sweating, in excess of that.

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